
LikeDayoftheTentacleRemasteredandGrimFandangoRemastered,theremasteredversionofFullThrottleincludesupdatedgraphicsandsound,improvedcontrols ...,ПомощьвполучениивсехдостиженийвигреFullThrottle:Remastered.P.S.МоёпервоеруководствовSteam,несудитестрого.294次評價.8.,FullThrottle於1995年由LucasArts推出,是業界傳奇TimSchafer打造的經典圖形冒險遊戲。故事主角為摩托車幫派「臭鼬幫」的老大BenThrottle,這個...

Full Throttle (1995 video game)

Like Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Grim Fandango Remastered, the remastered version of Full Throttle includes updated graphics and sound, improved controls ...

Steam 社群:

Помощь в получении всех достижений в игре Full Throttle: Remastered. P.S. Моё первое руководство в Steam, не судите строго. 294 次評價. 8.

Full Throttle Remastered (遊戲)

Full Throttle 於1995 年由LucasArts 推出,是業界傳奇Tim Schafer 打造的經典圖形冒險遊戲。故事主角為摩托車幫派「臭鼬幫」的老大Ben Throttle,這個強悍的領導者被 ...

Full Throttle Remastered

Now over 20 years later, Full Throttle is back in a remastered edition that features all new hand-drawn and 3D high-resolution artwork with 4k support, and with ...

購買Full Throttle Remastered

A classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer, telling the story of Ben Throttle, the butt-kicking leader of biker gang the Polecats who ...